Photo from artists social media. Credit to Marc Lepage

Noise Hotel released their debut single, Tea For One, earlier this year, after almost a full year of playing shows and gaining a following in the Ottawa music scene.

To follow that up Noise hotel is now releasing their second single Caroline, available March 24.

“The song itself was inspired in spirit by the most recent Steve Lacy album, Gemini Rights, an album all of us enjoyed greatly,” they said while discussing the new single.

They took matters into their own hands this time and recorded the single in what they call the “Hotel Lounge”.

Listening to the song, you feel transported back in time: sitting in a bar with smoke filling the air while the band in the corner plucks away and conversation continues throughout the room.

With lines such as:

Caroline, Listen to what I tell you/

You crossed the line/

And I ain’t got time for you

Or later in the song:

Did you ever think you had a chance/

Your head is filled with delusions of romance

You can feel the emotion of the character being portrayed in the song.

“The song was written as part of a series of songs which detail the life and relationship struggles of a fictive character. Within the narrative, the song is about the protagonist turning away unwanted advances,” they continued.

You can catch Noise Hotel performing their new single, as well as many other amazing tunes, at Live On Elgin on March 23rd with Dart Trees and The Kaladars for their 21st Century Getaway.

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