Photo supplied by the artist

By: Ethan Grove

A blend of House music producer LittleBoiAaron (Aaron Crozier) and metal guitarist Nathan Zinck, Nepture merges the two into one sound.

On December 31st, 2023 the group released “The Color Album” with each track title being a colour. More specifically the colour that the song represents to them.

“The production of a sense impression relating to one sense by stimulation of another sense,” Oxford dictionary definition of synethesia.

“One way I had it described to me was like that scene in Ratatouille when he has the strawberry and the cheese, he eats them at the same times and it’s like all the colours are popping around and stuff,” Zinck explained. “For me, it’s related to the attachment to a song. If you’ve ever listened to a song that punches you in the emotions, I find it’s like a stronger connection to a specific colour that I’d feel.”

When they began working on the album the first songs just came to them, the colours being obvious in the process of making them but as the album continued to grow songs started to look alike and naming them became more difficult.

“When we were getting to getting into the tail end of it, and we were running out of colours, it almost started providing a sort of interesting limitation on producing,” Corzier said. “Because we didn’t want it to just scream a certain colour we’ve already done, [I] really had to drive it in a certain direction. I find that that almost always will push me to make something that I never would have thought to have made.”

Having met in Algonquin College’s Music Industry Arts program the two musicians began working together on various songs and collaborations. “Nepture” the band’s debut self titled album was put together while trying to collaborate with as many people in their program as possible. 

The first song created for “The Color Album ” Orange was what made Zinck and Crozier get in touch with the former having found it on a discord server and thought he could add something with a guitar track.  

“I sent it to him and he was like ‘oh, that’s neat we should finish this’ and that’s kind of where it got started,” said Zinck.

To celebrate the release of their new album they put on a livestream performance of the songs on Twitch and to keep it interesting they were celebrating with a shot of whiskey for every $10 donation on the stream. The stream has been edited down and can be watched here.

“In short, it went great. Honestly, nothing went wrong. It was a very good experience. And we’d do it again. We just did actually from our living room, we set up a little set and everything, sat down on the couch and just ran everything from there. But yeah, the next morning was the hardest part,” Zinck said.

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